English Translation of all four Vedas - Rig Veda, Yajur Veda, Sama Veda & Atharva Veda.
The Vedas (वेद - knowledge) are a large body of texts that originated in Ancient India. Vedas form the oldest layer of Sanskrit literature and the oldest sacred texts of Hinduism. Each of the four Vedas consists of the metrical Mantra or Samhita' part and the prose 'Brahmana' part giving discussions and directions
for the detail of the ceremonies at which the Mantras were to be used and explanations of the legends connected with the Mantras and rituals. Both these portions are termed shruti (which tradition says to have been heard but not composed or written down by men)
This ebook has an exhaustive table of contents that makes it easier for the readers to navigate from one chapter of the book to another.
Translations of all four Vedas are from 'Sacred Texts of the East' series.
E-text Source: http://www.sacred-texts.com
where did vedas originate from ?
ReplyDeleteIt ofcourse came from Lord Vishnu.
DeleteIt of course originated from Lord Vishnu.
DeleteIt existed in the Cosmic files, and the seers, who come above their, ego and minds, hears it, see it, experiece it....
Deleteveda originated from the collective realization of many sages throughout a vivid period of time. since Lord Vishnu is present in all creatures and forms, so it is said to have originated from Him.
DeleteVeda Origins From "VEDAV VYAS" Who wrote The VEDAS & He Is Shree Vishnu Avatar
DeleteHe wrote Veds The purpose was only making mankind life easy and simple
for sin and evilness
the Vedas were originated from Lord Bramha .... Bramha means the creator of the Bramhand (Universe) i.e . the meterial universe that consists of living and non-living objects. Bramha was originated from the navel of Lord Vishnu who is infinite i.e. Space. :)
Deletefrom nowhere or from God......as traditional Hindu Philosophers proved in their works. See works of shrI kumArila bhaTTa for that.
ReplyDeleteIf you have impression of westerners, then there are many views.
Choose your own after research only.
Who wrote veda? Are they eternal?
ReplyDeleteSee a good article according to traditional thinking (in English) at :-
Thank you
ReplyDeleteThank you so much! I'm trying to research, and I can't read hindi very well!
ReplyDeleteWhile going through the english translation of Rig Veda, the following errors relating to the enumeration of slokas came to notice:
ReplyDeletePage For Read Devata
---- --- ---- ------
509 CIL CII Soma
586 CXV1 CXVI Indra
I shall be grateful, if the above errors corrected and the corrected version displayed at the site
Yours faithfully
A Shanmukha Padayatchiar
ReplyDeleteThanks for pointing out the errors. I have corrected the errors and re-posted the e-book.
Delete*Updating previous comment*
ReplyDeleteMy ISP doesn't allow to see previous article about veda @ its original site.....or the site shows "Not Available" to viewers from India.The previous commented link was of a blog. That is too missing. So, read pdf from my dropbox. Link is :-
"http://bit.ly/g3F7TK" this link is not working. please provide the link again
Deletepv gopalakrishna
http://bit.ly/g3F7TK.... this link is not working. please provide the link again
Deletepv gopalakrishna pvgk1970@sify.com
Hi, thanks for the link to the ebook. The problem with it is that Griffins and other westerners translation have been widely criticised as having a hidden agenda and not conveying the true meaning of the texts. If one reads the translations you will find that the texts are meaningless and fail to convey any type of wisdom or knowledge.
ReplyDeleteIf anyone could point me to a proper translation/interpretation of the vedas in English it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
I will not consider this a reliable version of the Vedas, they are quoting Max muller who was a Catholic Vatican who was brought to India to warp out thousands of years of history.
ReplyDeleteMany of the dates are in correct, do not rely on this version.
Vedas -
ReplyDeleteVedas are came directly to Rishis (great scholars) many millennia before. They are taught through generations in audio form, which still continues. It was in past few thousands of years before only the writing of Vedas started. Still they are the oldest written books known to humans. They are called "Shruti" (heard). They are known to be "Apourusheya" (not by human), as per all Acharyas (teachers) like Shankara, Dayananda, Arvindo, etc. They have to studied and analyzed as per traditional Indian methods, which pre-dates Shankaracharya or even Sayanancharya. Max Muller never came to India or studied Sanskrit in a Gurukulam. Refer http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Max_M%C3%BCller. His intentions were clearly stated in his letter to wife - to uproot Indian culture from its very base, Vedas. His exact wordings "This edition of mine and the translation of the Veda will hereafter tell to a great extent on the fate of India, .....It is the root of their religion and to show them what the root is, I feel sure, is the only way of uprooting all that has spring from it during the last three thousand years." (Refer to "The Life and Letters of Friedrich Max Müller" Vol. 1., Ch. XV, Page 346). Refer http://www.salagram.net/WesternIndologists-page.htm for more details.
To get an idea of how Vedas are interpreted please refer www.AryaSamajJamnagar.org. Full Sanskrit text and meaning in English and Hindi are available. I personally like Hindi section, though I am not a native Hindi speaker.
In my opinion, English language is not sufficient enough to explain Indian culture or literature. Indian languages are much more better than any other language, at least in this aspect. My intention is not to hurt anybody's feelings or insult anybody, any culture or country. I follow footsteps of Swami Dayananda Saraswati (Arya Samaj founder) and my guru late Acharya Narendra Bhushan, both of them dedicated their life for teaching Vedas. Anybody who insults Vedas is an atheist (vedanindako nasthika - Sankara). It is my humble effort to know, learn and spread Vedas and their real meaning around the globe.
Forgive me for taking so much of space and time of those related. All mistakes in this write-up are fully mine and any credit goes our Gurus.
"Pashya devasya kaavyam, na mamaara na jeeryati (see the poem of God, it neither dies or deteriorates)" Athrva Veda 10.8.32
Thank you Sir for your elaborate reply...appreciate it very much for its clarity and guidance.
DeleteThank you sir for your elaborate reply...appreciate it very much for its clarity and guidance.
Deletesir , the link www.AryaSamajJamnagar.org does not have the english translation of vedas.. only found Satyarth Prakash (English)
Deleterespected sir, Thanks for your comments about Vedas and agree that Vedas can be best understood in Indian languages. However, for many people this option is not good and whatever help is available in English will good to understand Vedas and Vedic literature.
DeleteWhat is mentioned in Vedas, regarding how we are born, why we are here in the earth/what is the purpose? Because just live & die is also a phenomenon in animals.This information would enable me to understand my purpose in this earth and act accordingly.
ReplyDeleteI dont reaaly understand these vedas. If some body gives conclusions on this it would be helo for many people.
ReplyDeleteTo get an idea of the Vedic knowledge, you may read "Message of the Vedas" which is available at http://hinduebooks.blogspot.com/2011/01/message-of-vedas-gc-narang.html?utm_source=BP_recent
English is spelled incorrectly in the title page...!
ReplyDeleteSam Adolf,
ReplyDeleteThanks for pointing out the error in the title page. I have corrected it and replaced the file.
I am new to this site. Can anyone give me any idea about the mystery of TRI DEV " Bramah, VISHNU AND SHIVA". I found two different way in two serial " OM NAMAH SHIVAYA & VISHNU PURAN". They are showing according to Vishnu Puran and SHIVA PURAN.
In Vishnu Puran It was Vishnu there was nothing without VISHNU at very beginning time and Bramah Dev created from his navel and looks like a lotus and then Shiva created from forehead.
2) In OM NAMAH SHIVAYA I found there was nothing but only "ADII SAKTI" The SUPREME POWER, SHIVA and SAKTI and then VISHNU DEV BARMAH DEV.
I am confused which one is correct!!
the point number 1 is correct, though impartially... the fact is that all the three Gods have no authentic birth details, but Brahma, in his transcendental form, being the creator, made a golden egg and came out of it. At that time there was just water and Vishnu was lying on it. Brahma noticed his presence and asked about his whereabouts. Vishnu told that he controls all the worlds. Brahma retorted as the worlds were still to be created so he asked Vishnu to enter his body and see all the worlds, which were to be created in the coming days. Vishnu followed his advise. Inside Brahma, he saw the worlds. Vishnu came out of Brahma's mouth and asked Brahma to follow the same procedure. Upon entering Vishnu, Brahma observed the same and as he entered further, he got lost. Moreover, Vishnu blocked all the exits. Brahma decided to come out through Vishnu's navel to which a Lotus shoot was stuck. Therefore Brahma emerged out of the lotus. Vishnu asked Brahma to be his son as he emerged out of Vishnu's navel. Brahma agreed as they were the two beings who were the most powerful. Later Shiva entered the scene. Brahma refused to recognize him as a true God because of his appearance but on Vishnu's insistence, he complied. This is the story.
DeleteThere we can say, it is Brahma who is the most important as he created the entire Universe, or all the three Gods have to be iven equal importance.
Both are Correct, From Shiva's Adi-linga Form, Lord Vishnu took the form and From Lord Vishnu, Shiva's Structural form came to existance. Infact without Shiv, Narayan is incomplete and without Narayan , Lord Shiva is incomplete. In Cosmic world, Vishnu worships Shiva and Shiva meditate of Narayan. In Earthly existance, each time Lord Narayan took n Avatar on earth, he is assisted by the Avatar of Lord Shiva. This is actually a complete cycle of Bhakt, bhakti and Bhagwan.
In India we search for God within us, God takes the form according to our desires and goals. This leads to millions of gods as unique as the people who thought of them. Then came tales relating them, joining them and created the hindu pantheons. Vishnu, Shiva, Bramha are all the gods that got major following. Each have their own Purana which sees them as supreme and other gods as minor, just as the people who worshipped them thought themselves supreme over others. Violent clashes have resulted due to shaivas and vaishnavas fighting about who's god was superior. sometimes the rituals become more important than the god. The unique thing about sanatandharma is that it accepts that there is only one God, but, there are as many paths to his as there are people. people are free to choose their way, their paths guided by bhakti karma and dharma. So, I declare the question reeks of "my dad can beat your dads ass!" infantile nature that has take over all the religions of the world. get out of this mentality before it harms you. Seek your own God, in you own Way. He had given you all the Tools.
Deleteis raphial griffins translations wrong whose links are given?kindly confirm please i hear from some hindus these r wrong translations?
ReplyDeleteI am not a Vedic scholar. I cannot say if Griffith's technically wrong in some places as traditional scholars say. We have admit that a person's cultural background will certainly have an influence on the way he interprets the Vedas. I have heard that it is one of the simplest translations, one that could be easily understood by beginners. You may read it first and then compare it with interpretations of other scholars.
ReplyDelete@ Vijay thanks for the information. I could never trust the translation of the Vedas by people who do not believe in it,respect it or even understand it.The true message will be lost. I agree that it loses some meaning in English but I cannot speak Hindi :(
ReplyDeletehi !!
ReplyDeletecan i know where i can download the 4 vedas in hindi ??
DeleteClick on the link below to download four vedas for free.
is there any good book with sanskrit Hymns and english translation side by side
ReplyDeleteI have not come across ebooks of Sanskrit text of four Vedas with English translation on the internet till now. You could buy printed books with Sanskrit text and English translation of the Vedas from the following publishers.
thankyou sir for giving these books
ReplyDeleteI'm Dr. Susantha from Sri Lanka. Its very important THANK YOU VERY MUCH!
ReplyDeleteThe translation of Vedas by Griffith and Muller should be trashed as they were strangers to Sanatana Dharma hence couldn't have' perceived the contextual meaning of the Vedic verses. I do not believe they mastered the Vedangas before embarking on translation of Vedas. It must be literal translation not having any regard to the CHanda (meter)used in composing the Vedas. A sample reading of their translation gave me the feeling of some hidden agenda to deviate the reader from true meaning of the Verses. Please advise if any Indian scholar has ever translated Vedas into English or any Indian language. I am keen to read the reliable Indian translation. Also, please discourage people from reading faulty translation by the Foreigners.
ReplyDeleteI want to know abt ancient technology which was published in one of the veda books .It was written by one of the son of god surya.But I don't know whether it was right r not.plz tell me the technology belong to which veda
ReplyDeleteAll the four vedas having ancient technology and inner meanings of techniques for relief. Especially Adharvana Veda is having all techniques.
DeleteI want to know abt ancient technology which was published in one of the veda books .It was written by one of the son of god surya.But I don't know whether it was right r not.plz tell me the technology belong to which veda
ReplyDeleteWith all respect to the people behind this effort, uploading the misinterpreted version of Vedas by Griffith is not a service to Hinduism. It is like opposing Hinduism.
DeleteEven if we accept that Griffith's translation of the Veda is erroneous, we can't ignore the fact that it has academic & historic value. We have also to think why no Indian scholar translated the Vedas into English before Griffith. Even now, I am not aware of an English translation of the Vedas by Indian scholar which is in public domain. Please let me know if you can name any.
what sir does untruth and false propaganda has its academic and historic value. Indians simply didn't translated it because English was not known in India at that time. English education started later in india. you can find translation of vedas in hindi on arya samaj jamnagar website . if you want to read vedas you must read it in sanskrit as it can not translated in other language accurately.
Deleteuntruth has no academic and historic value sir
DeleteScholars at Agniveer has translated it in to english only reliable version..Grifth and Max translation is almost thrashed by all sanskrit scholars...it has basic translation and interpretation mistake...please take down..it is all errorneous
ReplyDeletePrabhat Chauhan,
DeleteAfter reading your comment, I visited Agniveer site. Their English translation of the Vedas is not in open domain. One has to buy them. I think you did not read my comment carefully. I had said that we do not have reliable English translations of the Vedas by Indian scholars in the open domain.
Scholars at Agniveer has translated it in to english only reliable version..Grifth and Max translation is almost thrashed by all sanskrit scholars...it has basic translation and interpretation mistake...please take down..it is all errorneous
ReplyDeleteShankara ji, I have an off-topic question.
ReplyDeleteCan you tell me whether you are able to download books from the Digital Library of India? Either with Munishji's software, IDM, or Shuklaji's software?
I haven't been able to download books for about a fortnight. A few pages are downloaded and it doesn't progress further.
Just want to know whether you have any issues downloading or is it a problem at my end only.
ReplyDeleteIt is true that DLI has been slow for some weeks, especially on weekends. Still, I am able to download with IDM, Munishji's software and also with DLI Downloader from aupasana.com though all these are considerably slower compared to olden days. IDM performs much better than others. I am surprised to know that you are not able to download with IDM. You must be aware of the all URLs of DLI. When one site of DLI is slow, sometimes, download is faster in another site.
If you wish to correspond further on this matter or any other off topic, please use 'contact us' page on http://sanskritebooks.org/ It is more convenient for me.
Ok. Thanks. Do you mind if I send you an email to the gmail id you have mentioned in your blogger profile? Would prefer that rather than have my posted on the 'contact us' page.
DeleteIt is okay.
i want books, hard copy's of all vedas in telugu, where can i get them.
ReplyDeleteYou can contact Arya Samaj, Hyderabad - http://www.aryasamajhyderabad.com/contactus.html
vedas were recited by GOD bramha to sages...
ReplyDeletewhere can i get vedas in kannada language??
ReplyDeleteCan i get 4 Vedas in 'TELUGU'?
ReplyDeleteCan i get 4 Vedas in kannada language?
ReplyDeleteIt will be indeed very nice if efforts are made to prepare…….COMPLETE….. audio and video recording of recitation of Rig Ved in the purest form along with copies of original text and translation and preserve it for posterity in best possible manner at 10 or more selected locations including "char dharm".
ReplyDeleteSimilar action for other Vedas, Upanishads and other main dharma granths.
If copies could be made readily available in every district of INDIA as well as to common people it will be excellent for spreading the message of our great religion and culture.
Read the book Rgvedaadibhasyabhoomika or its translation in English. its translations are also available in all Indian languages. this book quotes all the views of all the ancient texts and seers and also outlines some of the misinterpretations of the Indian and foreign scholars. it was published in 1875 when the European scholars were doing research on the vedas etc. This book created a revolution and finally even max muller had to change his views and come to the traditional conclusion that the Vedas are a wonderful piece of literature mankind should be proud of. All Indian versions can be had from Arya samaj in your State.
DeleteFor some reason, I am unable to download the file as it is showing unavailable or deleted file in mediafire.com. Could you please mail me the files at v.s.shivan@gmail.com or update the link and inform me via mail. Thank you.
ReplyDeleteI am a huge fan and already read a couple of books.
i need complete four vedas in urdu translation please help me i love The Great Lord
ReplyDeleteShiva and Parviti
Giving below links to Urdu translation of the Vedas.
Links from Digital Library of India (dli.gov.in)
3279 Yajurved Part 1 (1984)., 99999990862881. . 0. urdu. Generalities. 465 pgs.11
3289 Rigved (1984)., 99999990862891. . 0. urdu. Generalities. 483 pgs.
Rig -Veda., 99999990159072. Sayed Mohd Raza Jalali. 1907. urdu. RELIGION THEOLOGY. 514 pgs.
Rig Ved Aadi Bash Bhoomka Vol 1., 2990100069282. Swamy Dayanand Saraswathi. 1898. urdu. Philosophy. 204 pgs.
Wherever the Vedas came from, we cannot claim it with definite proof; important for us is to follow what is written there, beyond that all are mystery and let it remain that way.
ReplyDeleteAmong the comments there are some adverse ones. It is strange and amusing. He could give only what is in the original.
ReplyDeleteBelow are give excerpts of a Wikipedia account of Griffith:
He was born at Corsley, Wiltshire, on 25 May 1826.[1] The son of the Reverend R. C. Griffith (Chaplain to the Marquess of Bath 1830),[2] he was a B.A. of Queen's College and was elected to the vacant Sanskrit Scholarship on Nov 24, 1849. He translated the Vedic scriptures into English. He also produced translations of other Sanskrit literature, including a verse version of the Ramayana and the Kumara Sambhava of Kalidasa. He held the position of principal at the Benares College in India.
His translation of the Rigveda follows the text of Max Müller's six-volume Sanskrit edition. His readings generally follow the work of the great scholar Sayana who was Prime Minister at the court of the King of Vijaynagar - in what is now the District of Bellary in the Indian state of Karnataka - in the fourteenth century.
On his retirement he withdrew to Kotagiri, a beautiful hill station, some 7000 feet high, in the Nilgiris district, Madras, residing with his brother Frank, an engineer in the public works department of the Bombay presidency, who had settled there in 1879. At Kotagiri he tranquilly engaged in the study and translation of the Vedas. He died on 7 November 1906, and was buried there.[1]
Copies of his translation of the Rigveda, Samaveda, Yajur Veda, Atharvaveda and Ramayana are available on the internet.
The Ramayan of Valmiki (published 1870) (read online)
Hymns of the Rigveda (published 1889) (read online)
Hymns of the Samaveda (published 1893) (read online)
Hymns of the Atharvaveda (published 1896) (read online)
The Texts of the White Yajurveda (published 1899) (read online)
If you are interested, I would appreciate your participation on Navin Vedic (facebook). I plan to work through the vedas bit by bit and hope for others to join in / help on understanding.