
Thursday, April 23, 2009

Gheranda Samhita - A Treatise on Hatha Yoga (Sanskrit English) by Srisa Chandra Vasu

Gheranda Samhita is one of the three classic texts of hatha yoga (the other two being the Hatha Yoga Pradipika and the Shiva Samhita). It is a late 17th century text and is considered to be the most encyclopedic of the three classic texts on hatha yoga. Gheranda Samhita is a manual of yoga taught by Gheranda to Chanda Kapali. Unlike other hatha yoga texts, the Gheranda Samhita speaks of a sevenfold yoga:

1. Shatkarma for purification
2. Asana for strengthening
3. Mudra for steadying
4. Pratyahara for calming
5. Pranayama for lightness
6. Dhyana for perception
7. Samadhi for isolation

The text itself follows this division in seven chapters, and has a focus upon the shatkarmas, thus this text is sometimes said to describe ghatastha yoga. For nstance, the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali describes an eightfold path (yama and niyama instead of shatkarma and mudra, and addition of dharana). The closing stanzas on samadhi teach different methods than those described by Patanjali.

Srisa Chandra Vasu was a great scholar of Hindu Scriptures and had authored and interpreted various sacred texts of Hinduism such as Upanishads, Ashtadhyayi, Siva Samhita, etc.

Download Gheranda Samhita - Sanskrit English by Srisa Chandra Vasu


  1. Wonderful, the first Gheranda Samhita in english is available to download!!! I saw today that the Vijnana bhairava tantra is also uploaded, that's great!!! I need to ask you if a version of Siva Samhita will also be uploaded by you, this would be great because there are some versions to download but they sill have some writing mistakes or are not full. So if you can, scan and upload the Siva Samhita. Thanx ~Thomas

  2. Yeah sure, even I am waiting for Shiva Samhita - the most concise among the three.
    By the way, thank you for your wonderful work that keeps such esoteric texts in use.

  3. plz share link i dont found this in this link

    1. I have rectified the broken link. You can download the book now.
