An English translation of popular Vedantic text "Vichar Sagar" (Hindi) of Nishchal Dasji (1791-1863), by Lala Sreeram.
The English translation is titled "Metaphysics of the Upanishads". Vichar Sagar has been so popular in northern parts of country that it has been used for daily reading for more than centuries by common man who did not have access to Sanskrit scriptures of Vedanta.
Nischal Dasji, who was a Dadu panthi sadhu, had authored many books dealing with Vedanta. Vichara Sagara is the most popular among them. This book is very useful for understanding various prakriyas of Vedanta.
DOWNLOAD Sri Vichar Sagar of Sadhu Nischaldas with Hindi Tika by Pitambara 1917
DOWNLOAD Vichar Sagar English Translation by Lala Sreeram
thanks sir, great help for the spiritual aspirants
ReplyDeletethank you sir
ReplyDeletegod bless you
I am looking for VICHAR SAGAR of Nischal Das and panchadasi of Vidyaranya Swami in HINDI language only. It would be great if some body can help me to find out or send me by email (saisaianilpratima@gmail.com)
ReplyDeleteOm Sai Ram
Anil, Toronto
ReplyDeleteI have added a link to Hindi Text of "Vichar Sagar" with Hindi Tika. You may find Hindi Translation of Panchadasi at Digitial Library of India. You could make use of "DLI Downloader" to download books from DLI. Please let me know if you need any more info in this regard.
Plz give me vichar sagar in simple word details
DeleteDo you have Vichar Sagar in Sanskrit, if so can you give the link, please?
ReplyDeleteSanskrit translation of Vicharasagara by Shri Vasudeva Brahmendra Saraswati is a recently published book and is copyrighted. Please give me your email id. I will write to you if I find it.
Thank you for this Blessing.
ReplyDeleteकोटिशः धन्यवाद है श्रीमान ! मैं स्वामी विवेकानन्दजी को अपना आदर्श मानता हूँ, उन्होंने संत निश्चलदास रचित विचारसागर ग्रन्थ में लिखित दोहे
ReplyDelete' जो ब्रह्मविद वही ब्रह्म, ताको वाणी वेद।
संस्कृत और भाषा में करत भरम का छेद।।'
का उल्लेख करते हुए, बहुत बखान किया है। तथा भारत के युवाओं को उनके जैसा ही ब्रह्मविद या पैगम्बर बनकर भारत के कोने कोने में 'मनुष्यनिर्माण और चरित्र निर्माणकारी शिक्षा ' का प्रचार-प्रसार करने का आह्वान किया है। स्वामीजी द्वारा कथित महावाक्य 'Be and Make ' के मर्म को समझने के लिए हिन्दी भाषी युवाओ को स्वामी निश्चलदास द्वारा लोकभाषा में रचित उपनिषद -श्रीविचारसागर पढना बहुत आवश्यक है। मैं बहुत व्याकुलता से इस हिन्दी भाषा में इस ग्रन्थ की खोज कर रहा था। आज इस ग्रन्थ को प्राप्त कर मैं अपने को धन्य महसूस कर रहा हूँ, और आपके माध्यम से 'गूगल बाबा' को भी धन्यवाद कहता हूँ।
Thank you sir!Swami Vivekananda is may Ideal of life.He has recommended 'vicharsagar'by swami Nishchaldas for all the country loving youth of India.He has asked the youth to become a 'Brahmvid' and spread his message "Be and Make" throughout India. I was in search of Hindi book.I feel myself blessed today and thanking you and also the Google-Baba.
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for the book. I am highly obliged to you.
ReplyDeleteDo you have Vichar Sagar in TELUGU, if so can you give the link or where can I buy this book. my e-mail mnagarjanudu@gmail.com please?
ReplyDeleteVichara Sagara in Telugu is available at Digital Library of India. Details are given below. You can download the book in pdf format using a free software named DLI Downloader, which is available at http://dli-downloader.blogspot.in/2013/04/fast-dli-downloader-tool-to-download.html
Deleteoom shrii vichaara saagaramu., 2030020025663. chaitanyulu svaami shrii janaardhana. 1940. Telugu. PHILOSOPHY. PSYCHOLOGY. 842 pgs.
sri_vichara_sagaramu., 2020010008254. sri_janardhan_swami. 1951. telugu. NULL. 860 pgs.
सादर सत्यराम आदरणीय, आपके परमकल्याणकारी प्रयास से मुझे विचार सागर हिन्दी एवं अंगरेजी में प्राप्त हुआ _/\_ हार्दिक आभार..... धन्यवाद् _/\_
ReplyDeleteIt's wonderful to see this amazing book here. Thanks a lot
ReplyDeleteWhosoever wanted to get self realization/ self enlightenment, this book would work like nectar for them.
ReplyDeleteI want Yukti Prakash plz..
ReplyDeleteYou can download Yukti Prakasa from the following link.
I want to download Vritti Prabhakara preferably in sanskrit/english with any commentary thereon. Please guide. Namaskar
ReplyDeleteGiving below links to Vritti Prabhakara English.
DeleteNiscaldas and his Vrttiprabhakar, PhD Dissertation of Prem Pahlajrai - https://digital.lib.washington.edu/researchworks/handle/1773/25075
Giving below link to Vritti Prabhakara of Sadhu Nischaldas 1911 (Khemraj) and Vritti Prabhakara of Sadhu Nischaldas Hindi Translation - Swami Atmanandaji 1969